Napanee OPP Terrorize Family of 5
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Kwazy Kanuck
2010-06-09 03:04:56 UTC
Officers Rob Cain and Dal Wannamaker of the Napanee OPP Detachment are
in part responsible for terrorizing a family of 5. For at least 3
years now these two cops have used various tactics against myself and
my family all in an effort to falsely claim that I have some kind of
mental illness. They want people to believe that anything I claim is
nothing more than an illness that is not being addressed. Their
latest trick is to torture me and my family with various odors that
are in my home and in my car. These odors range from car exhaust
fumes to cat and dog shit and piss, burning odors, musty odors. The
strength of these odors are usually overwhelming and noxious, leading
to many headaches. I have complained to the local police about it but
they only deny it and claim they can't even smell it, where my wife
and oldest son can plainly smell it.

Now it is to the point where i DON'T give a shit who believes me or
not, there is a WHOLE LOT MORE to this story involving these two
asshole cops and other people as well. It has gone on long enough and
now FUCK YOU PIGS. I don't care if you keep it up or not...the
longer this shit goes on, the more I publicize, whether it is video,
audio, or much more of this than you care to have in the public. I
don't give a shit if you keep it up or not...the story will get out.
Kwazy Kanuck
2010-06-16 05:56:03 UTC
I guess these two assholes really want me to go in to further detail
as to what is really going on here. One is pissed because I had his
wife in my back seat of my car, the other is pissed because he no
longer has his wife. The CAS are even starting to piss me off. With
no court order they still want me to jump through hoops. Well fuck
you guys too, I see you are only interested in helping the fucking
pedophile that molested my son and not help me.

Like I said, I am going to name names and go into a whole lot more
detail if you guys don't fuck off and leave my family alone. I am
already thinking of taking some of my video of some of you assholes
and publishing...especially that bitch that wants to keep calling me,
you have my videotaped evidence of my son telling his mother what has
happened to him....you wanna do your job so bad? Then fuck off and
leave us alone or I am going to go public about that too, with you
front and centre in the video frame.

Enough of the odors already assholes.
